I pick myself up

There are many wonderful parts of the THPL journey.  One that is near the top of the list is that we get to challenge ourselves as much as we want to take on big things, to do new things, to try that which we might not ordinarily do.  From this amazing gift many great things can happen and of course moments that are not exactly as we want or expect.  Failures, missed attempts, sub-optimal performance they are all possible outcomes.  And the question is what do we do when less than perfect happens.  Do we stop there, do we look to others to pull us out of our situation, or do we take ownership of our circumstance and pick ourselves up and move forward?  We know that THPL is as much about self-reliance as it is about anything and it is in these difficult situations that we get the opportunity to test how good we are at being resilient  and ready to go at it again.  We know we have it in us – it is part of why we see THPL as the journey that we want to take.  Let’s just remember that it is up to us to be responsible for our results and what we do with them. Here’s to looking forward to taking care of ourselves and being better for it!

Loving life when I pick myself up