There are some interesting things that happen as we traverse our THPL journey. One of them happens when we lay witness to an event, a person, a story that triggers something inside us to want to give it a try. And often when this happens we know less about the implications of our inspired feeling, yet we are compelled to step in the direction of giving it a go. Might it be skydiving, recording a YouTube video, kayaking, traveling, writing – it could be any of these and or anything for that matter. What we want to be able to do is to effectively pursue our inspired thought and to do this using a thoughtful and logical approach regarding the new endeavor. So, when we get that feeling let’s immediately turn our focus to getting ready. What do we need to know, who can we learn from, what gear or equipment do we need, what skills do we need to build and so on. The moment we start to get ready the probability of achieving our inspired thought goes up considerably. And getting it done, is after all, what we want that surge of positive energy to turn into……
Loving life when I am getting ready