Trains, planes and automobiles

It is said that the journey of 1,000 miles starts with one step.  Depending on where our destination is, the journey can start with that first step followed by a train, a plane, and an automobile.  Destination Logan, Utah, quite a few miles from Hasselt, Belgium and quite a few hours as well.  In these circumstances, we can embrace the journey and all that it will bring.  A few strains, a few delays, even maybe a few fussy people along the way. And in that also the opportunity to be excited and engaged.  To appreciate all that we see and feel.  So many sights and sounds to experience.  It is up to us to bring our best attitude, to be curious and happy to be doing something that provides a texture to our overall THPL journey.  Like a kid making an adventure in the backyard, we can make this kind of trip great and enjoyable.  Here’s to getting out and about and enjoying it every step of the way.

Loving life when I am on the journey