It is a beautiful thing to watch, when someone living their version of THPL, overcomes struggle and adversity and accomplishes what they set out to do. Today was just that kind of day. At the Western States 100-mile endurance run, Jim Walmsley completed the race, came in first and broke the course record on one of the hottest days in the history of the race. And while this accomplishment is amazing in its own right, it is even more remarkable given the pressure that Jim was facing after having two unsuccessful attempts in 2016 and 2017 when things just did not go as planned. So, towing the line today, Jim started with some of the best fitness in his life and also a lot of pressure to win. The third time was a charm and the boy delivered. It is just awesome to see someone, give it all they have, hold it together, and get the win. Congratulations to Jim – we are thrilled for you and thanks for showing us how to get it done, even when at first we don’t succeed.
Loving life when any of us overcome the struggle