This journey that we are on brings with it great opportunity, responsibility, and accountability for how we will choose to live our lives. And it goes without saying that over time this evolves and changes, and ebbs and flows, based on where we are in our life’s journey. The way that we think about who we are, how we make our lives, what is our best is the base level of what the THPL journey is about. We can and do make it up as we go. Sometimes we go harder than other times, maybe we are faster or stronger, we have more to do, or hit some milestone and on and on. What matters is not the specifics of the performance, it is after all just about us, what matters is how we feel about our current point in our life. Are we giving it the best for the moment, are we happy with ourselves, are we feeling it and then some. Yes, that is what matters, that when we look in the mirror, a long look, knowing that what we see we like, not what others want to see, not what we were or could be, rather embracing who we are and our lives as they are. Yes, indeed….
Loving life when I am happy with where I am