With ten days to Christmas, we might find ourselves focused on buying gifts for the holidays. A lot of shopping can be involved, and it can keep us busy and, in some instances, even distracted and frazzled. It is not the way that we normally pass along on our journey. We are usually more in control and buttoned up, so to speak. So, maybe it is time for a reset, let’s take a few moments and think about what kind of giving we really should be doing. Who is it, either in our lives, or maybe not, who could use some help? What can we do to bring more of the true gift of giving to this holiday? Maybe instead of a present from a store, we can volunteer, or make food for someone, offer to do their shopping, spend time with them or just about any kind of personal gesture that we can make. It will for sure be appreciated and we will be better for it. Might we even set a goal? Can we do something for at least three people each? It might be quite the holiday season if we all made it truly a time for giving. Yes, indeed…..
Loving life when I am giving to others