We have to care

It is important to start this post by communicating the deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those whose lives were lost and injured this past weekend in Dayton and El Paso.  The horror of these kinds of events is impossible to contemplate and that it happens again and again in our beautiful country and in our backyards is something that we all have to deal with.  Yes, there are no simple answers and yes there is a story for each of these tragic events.  But it is clear that to avoid these kinds of events going forward we all need to become once again responsible for our community, those who live in it, and those who might need help.  Having been around for many years it seems that we have lost our sense of how to do the simple things that make a difference.  Show that we care, that we are willing to get involved, that we will not tolerate radical behavior, that we are here to help when someone needs it and that the good of society needs to be protected.  There are for sure people who need help, we need to stay tuned to who they might be, engage with them, make them part of our broader family and give them a path to love and significance.   This approach has worked for millennia, let’s get back to caring, being human and protecting each and every life around us as if it is ours.  It will make a difference, for that we are sure.  Big hug…..yes indeed.

Loving life when we are all caring
