There is a key point that we all know as we set on our journey. That is, if our basic needs are not met, it is nearly impossible to rise above and pursue personal fulfillment or challenges or any of the big ideas that we have in our community. When we are short on basic needs we have to work to get out of that circumstance. And while we are working on making sure we all have basic needs met there is a time when we get beyond that foundational issue and onto the next challenge. We all know this, and then we can turn our focus to making sure that we all feel safe, the safer we feel, the more we can perform and be at our best. There are many ways to feel safe and it can be as simple as getting a hug, feeling supported, respected and appreciated. A feeling of significance plays a big role in feeling safe and with our community and some care we can get anyone who wants to feel safe into a place of feeling safe. And when we work and commit to helping each other and taking care when needed, basic needs are met and all gets better when we are feeling safe, not perfect, but certainly better.
Loving life when I feel safe