Bravery embodied

We want to think and believe that from tragedy can be born hope and the good news is that this does happen, more frequently than we might realize.  We feel it and embrace it and when we do it shows itself in very real ways.  A great example comes from the tragedy of 911 when we lost so many firefighters.  Their bravery inspired many of us but maybe more than anything they inspired their children to take the same path.  Just recently, 13 new grads entered the NYC fire department….they are children of victims of the horrific 911 tragedy and now they are bravery embodied, ready to take on the legacy of their parents, for all of us to benefit from.  Role models for our community.  Our thanks and appreciation goes out to all of them and in return for their service our commitment, like they make, to take care of those around us no matter the circumstance.  A commitment forever more….

Loving life when I see bravery embodied
