We all have and make choices while we are on our journey. Many of them, when we think about it, are trivial. This is not to say that we don't need to work on them or can ignore them, rather we just need to put some of our choices in perspective. And when we do this, we give ourselves the opportunity to move forward in a deeper way. This fundamentally puts us in the position to decide on whether to live a committed life, a life that gives us meaning and purpose. That connects us to bigger causes like world hunger, global warming, gender equality... We can think at whatever level we want and as big as we can. From there we truly set a way forward that has meaning and purpose. We feel it viscerally when we make this move and when we do and live it in public it can become contagious. And, if per chance others follow our lead and choose their version of a committed life, because of our choice, then we know that we have done what we were put here to do. Live committed and with purpose... A good life indeed..
Loving life when I live a committed life