The noise level around us continues to grow and grow and there is no sign that it will slow anytime soon. The temptation to respond to the next beep, the next message, an important call, is off the charts – our dopamine neurotransmitter is working overtime and we have to realize that we need to dial it down a bit if we are going to be at our best. We are much better when we can stay focused on what we are doing, and it starts when we decide to be “present” with what we do. It might mean putting the phone down, doing work in series, not allowing for interruptions and so many more examples of how to be present. When we are present, we do better, absorb more, improve our ability to execute and even just perform better. And not only do we notice but others around us notice. So, let’s be conscious and make it a priority to “be present” – we will be happy that we did.
Loving life when I am present