We know how to keep ourselves moving and living to the spirit of our high performance journey. The more that we do the more that we get out of the journey. And yet, we know that the journey is about more than just us as individuals. We know that community is central to our experience and our success. Which leads us to find ways to avoid going it alone. One way for us to get beyond ourselves is to pull others into our activities. And sometimes we might find that this is hard to do when others are as busy as we all are. A surefire method to get beyond this is to challenge someone to a challenge. It can be anything from the Sally pushup challenge, reading a book a week, to volunteering for a weekend. We can dream up the challenge that is appropriate to the person and then put it out there. With a bit of encouragement, the challenge is usually taken, and our journey just got another person to go along with us. Goodness for each of us and an approach that we can use anytime. Here’s to the challenge and what comes of it!
Loving life when I challenge someone