It really is hard to focus on the holiday season in the same way that we have for our lifetimes. It is a time of joy and giving - a time to take care and appreciate all that we have. And yet, this year, we cannot ignore the stunning and deleterious effect that the pandemic is having on our community. It is incumbent on all of us to treat this season like no other, to think about the gift that we can give to each other is to keep everyone safe and healthy as there is no better gift that we can give. It is not that difficult and yet it bears repeating. Let’s all wear masks, hold off the hugging till 2021, and when we are with each other keep our distance. It really makes a difference and for all of those lives we will save, and the suffering that we will avoid it is the least we can do. The vaccine is around the corner – let’s get there with all of us intact and healthy and we can guarantee that we will have a lot to celebrate at our next holiday season.
Loving life when I am wearing a mask