Take a walk

At times like this, when there is more stress than normal when uncertainty seems to be the order of the day when we do not know exactly how the storyline will turn out, it is time to find ways to reset and relax.  And we know that there is no magic elixir and we do not want to be pollyannaish.  But that stated we are self-determinant and what we do matters to how we feel.   So, let’s make it simple and appropriate.  Let’s find a few ways to reduce stress and give ourselves a break.  It can start with a walk outside, maybe reading a book on the front steps, taking a nap in the afternoon, planning a vacation for next summer.  The list of what can take us up and away is long, we just have to make the time.  We all know that there is a time to be serious and also that we need to chill, let’s find the proper balance and these crazy times might just feel a bit better.

Loving life when I take a walk
