It would be hard to imagine a topic that has so dominated our lives, our days, our consciousness as the coronavirus has. It could be that we have had a good run for a while, or that we have ignored what is going on around us. Maybe this is just an issue at a level that our community has not experienced. Our lives are intertwined like never before and we should plan for and expect that a more connected world makes for a more complicated world. In that complication more risk, more consequences. Humans, though, are ingenious and with the right effort, we will find a path through this pandemic. Knowing, that this fix is not around the corner we are going to need to find ways to moderate the stress that we are all feeling. We can use whatever technique works; from a walk by ourselves to a few hours of Netflix, to a moment to enjoy and appreciate the world that we live in. The Vimeo link herein a three-minute journey to the outside to indeed remind us of the beauty all around us. We will be back in it when the time is right, till then let’s find more ways to cope and endure, we know how to do this – so, let’s get that done.
Enjoy this short film – it just feels good to take three minutes to float away to what we will not take for granted, anymore.
Loving life when I take a moment of respite