So much to think about

It will be quite sometime before the coronavirus discussions do not dominate our day, our lives, our consciousness.  And right it should.  This is not a minor “storm” that passes by in a moment and is gone.  For all of us, it is in the category of a world war.  The enemy quite different, the scale as big, the risk even higher.  The good news, though, is that if we listen to the experts, to the recommendations, to the more conservative views, the better the potential outcome.  We can tell ourselves that this too will pass but let’s use that thinking only to reduce the stress not to change our actions. It bears repeating that when we follow the guidance, we are helping everyone else, our community, our world and yes, of course, ourselves.  Yes, we will get through this and each and every one of us can play a role to ensure that it indeed happens.  Here’s to working locally and globally to do the best we can to minimize the impact of this virus.  It knows only one enemy and that is each of us. 

Loving life when I am doing what is right for all of humanity 
