Stay Focused

There are many times while on our journey when the noise around us gets quite loud.  There are distractions that tug at us and can get in the way of accomplishing our goals.  The times we are living in with COVID-19 have amped up the distraction level and while we work through this challenging time it is important to remember that we were working on important goals and issues at a personal level and at a community level before this started.  Yes, we hear that the air is clearer, but we have not solved the climate change issue.  Of course, we are spending more time with friends and family because we have slowed down a bit but have we built stronger lasting relationships?  Our new year’s resolutions are fading, they were important in January and they are still important.  The list can go on and on.  The goodness in a moment like this is to take advantage of the disruption and turn it into an opportunity to keep our focus on what matters, every day, no matter what is going on around us.  Community, the earth, our families, friends, people in need and yes ourselves.  We can do more and we know what to do.  Let’s stay focused and make each day a bit better than the one before.  It is what, after all, what we are good at.

Loving life when I am focused
