Keep moving

We have been told to shelter in place and we have restricted our movements for quite some time.  It has for sure made a difference and has helped stem the tide of the spread of the coronavirus.  And now we are really feeling the need to get moving as there is only so much time we can sit and binge on TV.  As the weather Is starting to improve it would be great for us to set movement goals.  Whether it is the number of steps, the number of times, the distance we go, or any other measure of movement all that matters is that we set goals to achieve every day.  The more we move the better we will feel and the better we will be.  And then we can make it even better when we bring others with us (yes with our masks on) and we get them to move just as much.  Movement brings so many benefits to how we feel physically and mentally that we might even get hooked and do it over and over again, which could even become a habit. Now wouldn’t that be great!

Loving life when I am moving
