Unchartered waters

Just four short months ago It would have been unimaginable to define the circumstance that we find ourselves in.  Pandemic, economic collapse, racial injustice all happening at the same time.  Were we not living right in the middle of it we would have said – fiction, not reality. And yet, these unchartered waters are what we find ourselves in.  What to do?  It is a fair question.  There is no real roadmap and no certainty that any strategy that we have used in the past would work.  We are though, an industrious species, we know innately how to figure our way out of hard places and situations.  The method might not be known but we certainly know the process.  We identify the root cause; we get the smartest most varied groups and we empower them to get to build a plan and then act on the plan.  We have done it many times before so let’s go do it again!  

Loving life when I find my way through unchartered waters
