Learning is up to us

We watch and we listen; it would be impossible not to do so.  And it would also seem to be impossible not to ask, what can I do to address issues of racial injustice. For most of us, we do not even know where to start as we live mostly isolated lives. Well, we are no longer isolated, and it is way past do for us to address the issues of injustice.  The solutions start with education and learning.  We need to find out about all of the great work that others have created so that we can learn and grow and implement their suggestions so that we can accelerate our learning and change for the better.  Two such resources are available below.  Let’s make an effort to role model behavior and do the right thing and it all starts with learning.

Anti-racism resources for white people


75 things white people can do for racial justice


Loving life when I am learning
