Out of sight

There is saying, “out of sight, out of mind” meaning that if we do not see it then we do not think about it.  Seems that with all that is going on around us that we have to turn this one around if we are to bail ourselves out of our current circumstance.  We cannot see the coronavirus, but it is still there, and we still have to protect ourselves from it and just because there is no video camera everywhere that we are free and clear from social injustice.  The burden is on us to act with the mindset that we have to assemble an approach that works to eradicate coronavirus and social injustice.  We have to work harder and more diligently every day if we want to get to a place where there is peace in our heart knowing that we are free and clear of that which can kill us.  So, let’s work hard to stay on it and get it done and we will all know when it is safe to get back to the life that we all want to live, one that is safe and secure.  Yes, indeed.

Loving life when we know we still have work to do
