When things get crazy

It feels like at any moment we can go from “all clear” to “Houston we have a problem”.  It seems to be the essence of the times we are living in.  And as we pinball from one circumstance to another the one thing that we bring with us is our attitude.  Our perspective (attitude) is ours to own and use as we see fit.  What we know is that to get through our million or so mini changes that happen over our lifetime we need to be able to respond with calm as well as intensity.  And if we cannot resolve the issue ourselves then we need to know who can help us find a path forward or how to fix the issue.  Each time we go through one of the crazy times we are prepping ourselves for the future – one where we build goodness into what we do and how we react.  There is possibility all along the journey – we just have to keep reminding ourselves of that

Loving life even when things get Crazy!
