Ignite our creativity

The Zoom life has engulfed many of us.  We are mostly tethered to our laptops, our TVs, our consoles.  We give ourselves limited time to do anything else but work.  And the back to back nature of what we do leaves little time to be creative as we run from one call to another to another.  And yet we all know that we cannot stay in this funk, that we have to push into our creativity, our love for different, for challenging convention.  We need to open the aperture and start to look at things differently, to read different content, to brainstorm ideas, to connect with people in other fields, to do just about anything different and then asking ourselves, what is most interesting that I found and then go after it.  With the creative juices starting to flow, we will feel different, maybe even better.  The key is to get it going and keeping it there.  A creative life is a satisfying life and we can build from there, for sure.

Loving life even when I ignite my curiosity 
