Take a break

We talk about it and we live it and we feel it.  The times we are living in are a challenge that we have not previously experienced.  We know that we will get through it, we know that there is a day ahead when we feel better about all that is going on around us.  Yet, since we do not know exactly when we find that moment when we feel the “all clear” we need to find a way to take a break.  It can be five minutes at the end of a Zoom call, it can be a walk at the end of a day, it can be a staycation, or it can be a driving trip to a fun place that we have always wanted to go or have been at many times.  The key is that we take a break and that we do it as often as we feel is necessary.  It will feel good and it will make these times just that much more tolerable.  The break is under our control so let’s make sure we take it!   We will be better for it….indeed.

Loving life even when I take a break
