Time for resilience

We start with a pandemic, then an economic collapse, then social injustice, then getting used to living in a different way, and then a hurricane that knocks out the power.  Feels something like a 15 round boxing match.  The punches keep coming….. and yet we cannot succumb, we cannot quit, we cannot give in to negative feelings.  Rather we need to look at the blessings we do have, whether it be family, friends, job, health and so much more -  it really is time to focus on the goodness of life.  Sure, it is harder than normal and for sure there are many very sad situations.  But the human race is resilient if nothing else, we have survived world wars, storms, depressions, and more and we keep coming back for more.  We are survivors and we will make it better than before.  We do learn, even if it is slower than it should be.  With the right time horizon, the future is bright, and we can make it so. It would be great to have electricity right now, but it is also better to be here for a long time to come.  Let’s bring a good attitude and a positive outlook and we will all look back one day and say wow that was something.

Loving life when I take a punch and keep going
