We are officially in the fall season and we can feel the changes happening. Shorter days, cooler nights, and pumpkin-spiced foods all over the place. The fall harvest is a great time of year to get some of the best foods that we can get our hands-on. From apples to squash to cranberries and many other root vegetables like parsnips and potatoes the choices are endless and the freshness inspiring. There is nothing like the fresh fruits and vegetables that we have access to at this time of the year. Hearty foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals and so much goodness that we need to consume as much as we can. It is a time to experiment and give a new vegetable a try – if we are ever to like that odd vegetable this is the time to try them as they most likely taste better than anything we have tried before. Let’s make a habit out of eating great fresh vegetables and fruit and do ourselves and the planet a world of good. Apple pie anyone???.
Loving life when I eat a cornucopia of harvest vegetables