3,000 posts

It matters none what we consider the start of our journey.  It can be years ago, it can be yesterday, conceivably it could be tomorrow.  What matters is that when we start on our journey, we commit to it and we do so with intention, seriousness, and the knowledge that what happens along the way is up to us.  It is, after all, our choices and mindset (and some might say our expectations) that frame our time and experiences along the way.  So, if we want to live a life of fulfillment then we need to think about the first-order effect.  That is if we stay true to what we commit to we will be fulfilled and if we let ourselves down then we should expect less than what could have been.   

And so, it was when I started on the journey of writing a blog.  Not sure exactly what I was doing or what I would find along the way.  Just a brash commitment to write every day.  And write I did, first full pages, of ramblings, insights, values, principles and so much more.  Over time I parred it down to a strong paragraph that captures themes, stories, ideas, and challenges and how it is that we all should live if we are to have a principled life, one that is fulfilling by what we choose to do.  Now at this milestone of 3,000 posts in a row a level of satisfaction from what the process ensures each day.  That I go to a positive place, a place that I want to find myself, a something that I would want to read, and a challenge to stay committed to a journey that leads to personal fulfillment and so much more……yes indeed!!! 

Loving life after posting 3,000 days in a row
