They start off shiny and ready for lots of use. Swing sets are a blast for kids, they represent creativity, movement, adventure, fun, friendship and so much more. There is a time in the life of a swing set when they are used from morning to night and they just seem to get better with every use. Then the kids grow up and they move on and the swing set sits there and over time it rusts, it falls into disrepair and becomes a vestige of its former self. A lesson deep in this metaphor for life. When we use what we have and use the resources we were granted we move easily, we grow and develop, and we hone who we are and what is possible for each of us. When we stop “using” it the same fate that comes of the swing set affects us. When we don’t use what we have we squander all that is possible and the goodness that blossoms and inspires. Let’s learn a lesson from that childhood haven and make the best use of what we have for as long as we can. Exactly!
Loving life when I use what I have