What is a journey without time outdoors? It is confined and constrained and all too predictable. And while we might seek out comfort from time to time because it feels good we also need to feed our inner explorer, our adventurer spirit, the one that has evolved us to this place and time and set us up for a journey that takes us outdoors. It is a place that is rewarding and challenging and feels right. And when we love the outdoors it can take whatever form we want. A walk after dinner with a chill in the air, a hike in the woods, a swim in a lake, a ride on a trail, a chair in a park; they all get us better connected to the energy of the outdoors, the natural and connected feeling that we get and an unpredictable circumstance that is what the outdoors is all about. Here’s to spending time outdoors – we are so fortunate to be able to do so.
Loving life when I spend time outdoors.