Day 1 Big’s Backyard

The journey takes us to quite a few different and unexpected places.  It is not without some curiosity and apprehension when we find ourselves getting into these unexpected situations.  And this time I find myself if Bell Buckle, Tennessee, crewing for the co-host of my Chasing Tomorrow podcast.  The race, as it turns out is the world championship for backyard races and the format, the last person standing, brings with it that kind of uncertainty that we often steer away from.  No defined end, cold evenings, active support and there is a lot to work through.  But that is what we are here to do, to support each other, to be engaged, to learn and experience and above all to be part of a very special event.  It should go anywhere between 2-5 days and when it is over the winner will have certainly earned it.  The backyard format has a way of crushing people, that is for sure.  More to come, day 1 on its way to close….stay tuned.

Loving life when I am at Big’s Backyard
