Count it as we want there is a fixed amount of time that we all will get while on our journey. We can start with 168 hours in a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour. Regardless of how we count it, time is a commodity for us to use to our benefit every day. We need no permission for how we use our time. We often think about how much of the other currencies we have but really if we think about how much time we have and how we want to use it we open up the possibilities in ways imagined as we would want them to be. If we think about how we really use our time we might find that there is a real opportunity to improve what we are doing and what we can do. Once we internalize that time is a gift, we might not need to get anything else while on our journey. Let’s go spend our time in the ways that we want and let’s do it now.
Loving life when I spend my time as I want