Mother’s Day is a great day as it reminds us that there are truly special people in each of our lives. Moms are special for so many reasons and it is just great to celebrate them and be reminded that there are people in our lives who are committed to loving and taking care of us at a very deep and meaningful level. And no matter where we are or what stage of live we are in there will be that special feeling for our Mom’s and others who played a big role leading up to our journey and set us up to get out there on our own and set the path for our journey. It would be wise to take and role model this behavior and find ways to put it deeply into how we go about each and every day. We respect what we learned, and we share it as it should be shared. Mother’s Day is indeed a day to say thanks for all that has been done for us and find ways to embrace that feeling and share it again and again, yes indeed.
Loving life when I am blessed with special people in my life