Going low

We all love the feeling leading to a new challenge, a new race, a new event.  We have that anticipation, anxiousness, excitement and a bit of naiveté.   It is good because if we played out all of what “might happen” it is possible that we would not take on that new challenge.  And yet, it is important that we not underestimate what it is we are taking on. We can play out in our heads some of the contingencies that we need to plan for and get ready for that low moment when we will question all that we are doing.  Reframing is essential to getting past any of the challenges or low moments.  They are to be expected and anticipated and when they happen, while we might not like the feeling, we are ready for it.  In fact, we might even push back against the feeling with a bit of attitude.  Is that the hardest it will be?  For sure a bit of back and forth will play out and with time we leave the lows behind and we move forward to the goal.  It is a story that plays out over and over, and it is what draws us in again and again.  Here’s to finding those lows and letting them be just what they are and nothing more.

Loving life when I go low and get beyond it
