Dress for it

We know the drill.  Make a plan, get outside, do our activity.  And it works over and over again…yet there are times when we start the process, and we find that the weather is not exactly as planned.  Rain, snow, cold, hot, windy, they all give us pause.  And sometimes, the conditions can even sway us away from our activity. But if we give ourselves a bit of time to reflect on the circumstances, we can work towards a plan that helps us overcome the obstacle(s).  It starts with dressing the right way for the weather, making sure that we have accommodated the conditions and that our mindset is positive.  When we finally step out and get going it is not long and we have completed our activity and we are back inside, and all is good. With a bit of reflection, we realize that what we just did is awesome as we just got in our activity and overcame the obstacles. 

Loving life when I dress for it
