There can be good and bad when living a principled life. It can drive us to perform better, get us to do things the right way, enjoy what we are doing, and have a feeling that our efforts produce a productive outcome. On the other hand, we can find ourselves frustrated when the world, or other people, do not line up with how we think the world should operate or how people should behave. We tend to let things out of our control frustrate us as we know that there are better ways. And yet, we must put a restrictor on these kinds of feelings. It is neither our place nor is it under our control to get all to follow how we want them to live and act. We can role model good behavior and that might have a positive impact on others but for the sake of our journey and our soul, let’s leave frustration aside and focus on what we can do and control, we will be better for it.
Loving life when I avoid the frustration