One year from now

August 16th seems innocuous enough, just another day in the 365 we get each year.  And yet if we think about August 16th a year from now it feels very different.  What will we be doing in a year?  Will things be the same or different?  Better…hopefully.  And the wonderment of what is to be, informed by what we choose to do.  We can have a big influence on what August 16th becomes by the choices that we make, our goals, and our mindset. We need not allow all that goes on around us and the constraints that others define for us to be the context in which we set our course for a year from now and the many years to come after that.  So, let’s start today thinking about what August 16th should be like, and let’s go make it happen!  Yes, indeed!!!

Loving life a year from now
