There are some things that we learn along our journey, that on the surface may not be obvious and yet are true whether we know them to be or not. It is part of the mystery of life and it is important for us to embrace and understand what is true so that we can be most productive in our day-to-day life. A shining example is how we feel. How we feel is just that, how we feel. It does not matter if someone agrees or disagrees, it is ours and only ours to hold to be true. Sad or happy, disappointed, or mad, ignored or appreciated, all of these feelings are legitimate and happen regardless of intent or action. They do not need to have deep reasons for them to be felt, they just are. And when we create a reaction (feeling), by our action, and someone tells us how they feel, we just need to accept it and understand that it is, at the moment, the reality for that person. Feelings go both ways and we each embrace them as we see fit. The key is to have empathy for the moment and work with it, not against it. Knowing that how we feel is how we feel. Yes, it is.
Loving life when I know how I feel