Thank you note

For all that we do on our journey, there are a few very simple and hugely impactful actions that we can take.  One of them is writing a thank you note (or email or text).  A thank you note, a simple statement of appreciation for the action of another person.  A thank you note matters to the receiver, it starts by being a formal expression of appreciation, then a demonstration of the importance of a relationship, and finally it is a feel-good action.  The thank you note shows that what we give is noticed and appreciated.  It is a true and deep demonstration of the human connection that we have and strive for.  And while it might take a minute or two to write and send a thank you note, we learn over time that the impact of the action is exponential relative to the time required to craft the note.  So, let’s take a moment and send a thank you note, and do it as often as is required; and of course, appreciate them when we get them.  A harmony of grand proportion awaits, and it Is all because of the thank you note.

Loving life when I write a thank you note
