Limited time

What would we do if we were told we had limited time to play a round of golf, to finish a test, to run a race, to get our work done?  Seems that we would get more focused, that we would figure out how to get what we need to be done in the allotted time, and we would waste little to no time along the way.  Doing this would surely get us a different and most likely better result.  We would also feel better about our approach, and we would optimize in every way that we could.  The introduction of time, which is limited time, into our daily lives brings a heightened sense of awareness of how we want to spend our time, how we want to live, and how we want to make sure that we are aware of the constraints and limitations of life and thus do the best we can with what we have.  A good life truly starts with managing time and that is what really matters.

Loving life when I work with my limited time
