We know what it means when we hear it. Looking for an edge; that advantage that we can use to do better, to get more, to perform at the next level. And for all that we can do to find “that edge,” it really needs to start with us and a well-defined goal that we are shooting for. Then we need a plan to take us from our baseline to the goal. The plan needs to consider best practices and insights but maybe more than anything it needs to count on consistency and repetition. And we have to avoid the biggest risk of all, that we underperform and do not hold ourselves accountable for what we are trying to accomplish. To find the edge, it ultimately starts with us and the depth of our commitment to what we want to improve. Once we are committed, the rest just falls in place, and the edge, well that becomes what we get used to, performance at the level we are truly capable of
Loving life when I find the edge