This past weekend

For as long as we are on this journey, we can never grow tired of asking hard questions of ourselves, challenging what we do, or being mindful that what we choose to do matters.  So, in this context, it is important that we reflect on what we did this past weekend.  What part of our life got better because of what we did?  Do we remember what we did this past weekend?  Did it make us feel better, did we learn and grow?  Did we have a new experience or just do something that would be good for our community?  We know that how we use our time matters, and it matters even more during our weekends when, presumably, we have more time to consider what we do and more control over how we spend our time.  So, how about we all think about our weekend and figure out what about it we loved and what we might have done better?  Regardless of the answer, we should always think about doing right by ourselves all the time, particularly over the weekend.

Loving life when I get a lot out of my weekend activities