Appreciation is born through Struggle

 Appreciation – “the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.”  And so why is it then that we do not appreciate much of what we have?  We have our health, we have possibilities, our successes and the prospect of what THPL can be for our life.  Yet we either take for granted what we have or find what we have not to our liking.  We can and need to work on this but……the other side of life (challenge and struggle) is the side that we in the THPL community focus on. 

The THPL journey sets us up for those moments in life when we take on something very hard, where we can put in the next level of effort, when we do not have a guarantee of a successful outcome.  In these circumstances, some sort of struggle is a natural (and positive) element and it is how we get to the end of a challenge and mission – when we do get to the end we feel a level of satisfaction and appreciation that is indescribable.  We cannot manufacture this feeling – we can only know it if we had experienced the “struggle”.  And when the struggle is complete but before recovery is complete, it is best to reflect, to take notice of the moment and to internalize how through challenge and difficulty we were able to get done what we set out to do – that is what appreciation is - it exposes all that is important and discards that which matters none. 

Loving life and appreciating all I have (and the struggle it took to get there)

