Every year at this time the Albuquerque Balloon Festival is held. And over a week’s time the local skies are dotted with, and painted with, a beautiful sea of colors, images, pictures, and skyscapes. It really is an extraordinary event. And with the pictures ever more readily available on the web it feels as if the event has come closer to all of us. There is no way that you can look at the balloons hovering over the desert floor and not be amazed. Majestic and magical they call the show the Enchanted Sunrise, how fitting. When I was marveling at the pictures the THPL connection came into play for me. The Life element of THPL calls for us to have a richer and more fulfilled life. And it is a challenge every day to do this – given all that goes on around us. So, then, how to overcome? One way is to use images that inspire us, to feel the energy of people who dare to dream and to connect to the ethereal sense of the vastness of all that is above us.
There is no real good, truly justifiable reason to have balloons, and to host an event like this. But, that, I believe is exactly the point. There are some things in life that do not need a “pure” return on investment. Rather, we need to measure parts of our Life journey as creating, seeing, and appreciating the work of others. When we do this our version of THPL gets bigger and better and we feel bigger and better.
Loving life high up in a balloon