Have you ever noticed how some people love to help others? There is an inherent reward that comes from helping others – especially if they are members of your friends / family or just someone in need. It feels good throughout the process and has a lasting positive effect for years to come. And yet, as much as we are ready to volunteer, to help others, it seems that asking for help is harder than not asking. Why is it the case? Well if I was a clinical anthropologist / or psychologist I think I would state that power over others is given up when help is requested. Being vulnerable does not mesh well with being strong. And so bad behavior is encouraged? UGH (for sure).
And with this power / control thing being an interesting phenomenon, we need to challenge it and show, by role modeling behavior, that asking for help is one of the best actions any individual could do. It bears repeating – in the act of asking for help we show our strength. And while this is clearly an acquired taste and not a natural behavior for some, we need to endeavor to convince the THPL journeyman to ask for help. We can explain a lot about life but there are a few aspects that even when explained make little sense.
So, when we decide to live THPL for all that it can do for us and others, let’s make sure that we accommodate and support their need and ability to ask for help. It is true, or at least observed, that if you are of the high performance way of life you think that asking for help will soon be the sign of power and opportunity. Yes indeed!
Loving life and asking for help