Don’t Forget

As I walked the Hynes Convention Center today to get my number (#9956) for the Boston Marathon for the 2014 version of the race I was struck by one central theme that permeated the event.  Don’t Forget. And while it certainly has a very direct applicability for everyone involved In the event I realized that this theme can have a broader and deeper meaning for each of us in our everyday THPL lives.  And so I thought that a few reminders relating to this theme were worthy of note and reflection.  The hope is that each of us will take each point and internalize it and then add a few of our own to the list.  A longer list can only be good for all of us. 

  1. Don’t forget those directly affected by the tragedy that occurred at the Boston Marathon last year.  Keep them in your heart forever.
  2. Don’t forget those people who helped you in difficult times
  3. Don’t forget that how you treat others can affect them for a very long time
  4. Don’t forget that your happiness is your choice – not that of someone else
  5. Don’t forget that you really are better than you think you are

Loving life and the memories that come with it.

