How to Make Stress Your Friend


As we all know I am a TED video fanatic and I have been remiss in passing along some of the great videos that I have watched over the past month.  So, I aim to fix that.  Here goes - Earlier today I watched and listened to Kelly McGonigal’s talk (link to talk below) and  I realized that she had such an interesting, and research-based, view of stress as a good thing – not a bad thing, that I thought it best that I share this with the THPL community.  A few reasons for this.  First, our THPL journey can be and is from time to time stressful.  We set a lot of goals and have the associated pressure we put on ourselves to achieve them as we push towards high performance (some call it stress and often we are not happy about it).  Ah, but the secret formula that Kelly talks of is that stress is good as long as we think of it as a positive and not a negative. Positive stress, exactly.    I really love this viewpoint - it creates a higher level way of thinking of how to pursue THPL.  Just think how different your life will be if stress is used for good and results in better – not bad, eh?

OK, enjoy the video – it is almost 15 minutes long, maybe you can watch it while on the treadmill?  Or you can download it to your smartphone and watch it on the train or whatever venue, I do hope you enjoy it and can put some of what Kelly suggests into action.  I most certainly will.

Loving Life - full of good stress

