Our performance on a daily basis is highly affected by what we eat. And the planet that we live on is also affected in a big way by the resources required to produce the food and nutrients that we need to survive and ultimately to thrive. We are going to see food evolve over the coming years and the more that we know about what is possible the better chance we have to perform better and take care of mother earth. And to get there whereby we get the right protein (amino acids) with a clean metabolic profile there are innovative people and companies working to make this happen using plants and clean farming approaches. The hesitancy by many has been the feeling of “losing out” when moving to plant based protein. Well the good news is that there is a relatively new product out on the market that is getting more and more attention, and it is called Beyond Meat – it is a plant based protein that has almost the same mouth feel as “traditional” meats but as it is made from plants (peas). It is really a remarkable product that fits nicely into a THPL life – one that is looking to do more with less. You can check these guys out at www.beyondmeat.com and see if you can give it a try sometime. It really is quite good and I am sure you will enjoy it. (or hope you do).
Loving life, when making an impact and enjoying it