With a few days to spare

THPL has at its core goals and THPL goals often seem most often to be numerical and they seem also to be the one’s that keep us most focused.  Run xx miles, read xx books, take xx classes…. And this is all good it keeps us on track and it helps to ensure that weachieve our goals.  And so it is, with less than a week to go in 2015, I achieved my running and pull-up goals.  4,000 miles run, 32,000 pull-ups completed.  There is no question that when I initially did the math and figured out the average number of miles and pull-ups required, by day, to get to the goal I knew I had little room for error (or even reduced mileage or days off).  So as I reflect on the year 2015 and achieving these goals I realize that focus and follow through were the secret to success.  Every day I started knowing what I had to achieve and while burdensome the simplicity of the goals made achieving them uniquely possible.  And so as we end the year and start our goal setting for next year we should think about how the simplicity of our goals and making them “numerical” can improve our ability to achieve them.  Satisfied and now ready for more.  Thanks THPL, thanks

Loving life, goals achieved