
The more you play around with THPL the more you realize that community is a key component of the journey.  It contributes greatly to the experience and it tempers the quest for high performance in a way that makes it more about fulfillment and less about competition.  We know that, in a traditional context, community is founded on shared goals and social morays.  And from this harmony emanates.  Alignment of values, approaches, and interests allow us to converge rather than diverge and when we embrace a community mindset some interesting things happen.  Sharing becomes more prevalent – take the CSA (community supported agriculture) or AirBnB or Uber or Bla Bla car or one of many other shared resource systems.  Each in their own way strengthens the community because it causes us to interact, to be co-dependent, and cooperative.  It opens up resource access to groups of people who heretofore would not have regular access.   And it creates a strong co-dependency that can only make us better.  Our THPL journey is one that is self-driven, self-selected and self-embraced.  It can be done alone but is works much better when shared with others.  Think about how to embrace your community and bring to it the attributes of THPL.  Both will benefit from it.

Loving life especially when part of a community