Take a Field Trip

I know for sure that years ago I did not contemplate THPL or what it might imply.  And as I travel around the world and spend more and more time with customers it reminds me of my days when we piled into yellow buses to visit a variety of cultural institutions, including art, natural history, and science museums, as well as theaters, zoos, and historical sites.  We called it a “field trip” and their was nary a time when I/we did not enjoy the opportunity to go out and see the world (or as is the case with me to see the Bronx).  And now, many, many, years later it strikes me that the “field-trip" was an idea and activity that transcends just want we did in elementary school.  It is a way for us to see what is around us, to learn through observation and to arouse the senses so that we can benefit experientially and factually.  And if ever there was a case for setting the stage for increasing your perspective for life, value, learning and the ability then a field trip would be the way to do it

What is even more interesting is that there is strong evidence that improving critical-thinking skills stems from an increase in the number of observations that one makes and one of the best ways to increase observations is to go on a field trip.  Whenever we go on a “field trip”  we became more observant, noticing and describing more details more vividly. Being observant and paying attention to detail is an important and highly useful skill that we should learn as we become observers of life and take our version of THPL to the next level

Loving Life when on a field trip